Opportunities to understand China, Chinese culture and Chinatown


We wanted to show services and ways to secure support in the face of rising racism towards East and South East Asian people. Here are some resources and places to find help:

Support services

The Chinese Community Health and Wellbeing Services (CCHWS) provides free and confidential mental health consultation, counselling and psychotherapy in Mandarin, Cantonese and English to British Chinese, East and Southeast Asian community members who have been the victims of verbal or physical abuse because of their race or where they are from. Leave a message on this number and someone will call you back: 07464890902


Reporting: Reporting hate incidents and hate crime is encouraged. You can see a guide to reporting hate crime and hate incidents here: 1. English – Hate crime 2 page info sheet 210122


Organisations to contact

A number of UK organisations are focusing on this issue. Many of them are holding discussion events, workshops and activities. Here is a selection of some organisations that we have connected with in some capacity (by no means exhaustive):

Campaign Against Racism Group (CARG)



Hackney Chinese Community Services

Chinese Community Centre

Chinese Welfare Trust 

Newham Chinese Association


Solidarity through social media

Many organisations are active on social media and organise regular events focused on solidarity and ESEA joy. We suggest following:

Campaign Against Racism Group (CARG) @CARG.UK


British Chinese Biz @BritishChineseBiz