Opportunities to understand China, Chinese culture and Chinatown

Happy Chinese New Year! 新年快乐!

  We wish all our visitors, subscribers and curious passersby a very happy Chinese New Year. We’re welcoming the rooster with events throughout the Spring Festival detailed below and will be open on Sunday 29 January from noon-4pm to welcome visitors.     #snapCNY17 Instagram Competition Saturday 28 – Monday 30 January Free     Our […]

Charles Moore

Charles Moore

Charles Moore, journalist, editor and official Thatcher biographer, gave a detailed insight into what it was like to work for Britain’s first female Prime Minister.

Baroness Tessa Jowell


Actress Gwyneth Paltrow charmed the China Exchange crowd with a witty and wide-ranging conversation on philanthropy, film, feminism and of course her newest project – Goop.

Cherie Blair


Actress Gwyneth Paltrow charmed the China Exchange crowd with a witty and wide-ranging conversation on philanthropy, film, feminism and of course her newest project – Goop.

Ben Elliot

Ben Elliot

Actress Gwyneth Paltrow charmed the China Exchange crowd with a witty and wide-ranging conversation on philanthropy, film, feminism and of course her newest project – Goop.

Niall Ferguson

Niall Ferguson at China Exchange

Professor Niall Ferguson covered his “killer Apps” from his book, Civilisation, that sought to explain why after 1600 did the West become so much richer, healthier and more powerful than everywhere else.

Rory Stewart

Rory Stewart at China Exchange

    Rory Stewart MP gave a rapid overview of uncertainty in the Middle East and North Africa and the failure of analysts to predict what’s going to happen with accuracy. “Even for those of us for whom these countries are familiar, it’s bewildering”.  

Lord Heseltine

Lord Heseltine at China Exchange

In his talk at China Exchange, Lord Heseltine described the experience of seeing all that was hailed about China coming true; the Hong Kong handover; and his strong opinion that Britain should remain part of the European Union.

Lord Bell

Lord Bell

    Lord Bell talked of his experiences of working with Margaret Thatcher; the vulnerability of working in politics; the power of explaining concepts to ordinary people in ordinary people’s language; moral codes; election campaigns around the world; and the growth of the PR industry.